Bladder Cancer Specialist

Kyle K. Himsl, MD
Urology & Urologic Oncology located in Greater Los Angeles, Thousand Oaks, CA
If you’ve recently been experiencing problems with urination, such as blood in your urine or pain during or after urination, you might be experiencing symptoms of bladder cancer. Bladder cancer is one of the most common cancers in the United States, affecting more than 68,000 people each year. Though many cases of bladder cancer are highly treatable, you’ll still want to start treatment with Dr. Kyle K. Himsl as soon as you’re diagnosed. If you’re in the Greater Los Angeles area and are experiencing symptoms you think are related to bladder cancer, call Dr. Himsl at his practice in Thousand Oaks, California to schedule your consultation or request your appointment online.
Bladder Cancer Q & A
What are the symptoms of bladder cancer?
Bladder cancer has a few telltale symptoms that indicate it’s time to pay Dr. Himsl a visit. Those symptoms include:
- Hematuria, or blood in the urine
- Pelvic pain
- Back pain
- Frequent urination
- Pain while urinating
Who is at risk for bladder cancer?
Like many types of cancers, bladder cancer has no single cause, but a number of factors can heighten your risk of the disease:
Family history
A family history of the disease puts you at greater risk for bladder cancer, especially if that family member was a close blood relative such as a parent or sibling. Bladder cancer also has a high recurrence rate, so if you’ve had the disease before, you’re at high risk for getting it again.
Chronic bladder inflammation
Chronic urinary tract infections or inflammation of the bladder can lead to the development of bladder cancer over time.
Caucasian people, in particular, are more likely to develop bladder cancer than other races.
Cigarettes and other smokable tobacco cause a buildup of harmful chemicals in the urine. These chemicals can damage the lining in your bladder, which can increase your risk of bladder cancer over time.
Exposure to cancer-causing chemicals
Your kidneys filter out dangerous chemicals such as arsenic, cadmium, or those found in pesticides, removing them from your body through your urine.
How is bladder cancer treated?
In addition to several standard treatments for cancer, such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy, Dr. Himsl is experienced in several surgical techniques for bladder cancer treatment, many using the da Vinci® Surgical System. Common surgical procedures include:
During a cystectomy, Dr. Himsl surgically removes part or all of the bladder, depending on what area of the bladder contains tumorous growth.
Neobladder reconstruction
If Dr. Himsl provides a major cystectomy, he will typically also provide a neobladder reconstruction afterward. This procedure creates a new “bladder” out of portions of your intestine, which Dr. Himsl attaches to your urethra.
Transurethral resection of bladder tumor
During a transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURBT), Dr. Himsl inserts a small wire loop through a cystoscope into the bladder. This loop allows him to destroy cancer cells using an electric current.
If you’re in the Greater Los Angeles area and you’re experiencing symptoms associated with bladder cancer, call Dr. Himsl or request your consultation online to get a proper diagnosis and put your mind at ease.